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NZSPBS Stud Book

 The New Zealand Shetland Pony Breeders Society (Inc.) was founded in 1979. Its aim is to keep the breed pure and to maintain the high standards for the breed attained in the United Kingdom and Australia. A secondary, but no less important aim is to maintain breeding records and to publish these to help and inform all those interested in the Shetland Pony.


If you like to know the pedigree of a Shetland pony, we can provide a digital pedigree.  A printed copy is also available for a small charge.


Studbooks Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4 are available below as a PDF to download.


A complete list of all Shetlands in the studbook is also available a PDF to download.


Please email the Registrar, wth any inquiries.

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